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Community Torah Cover


As we read in the Torah, when the Israelites built the Tabernacle, the entire community donated materials and time to build a Sanctuary for God. How blessed are we, as a community, that our Temple was built by loving hands and with gifts from the members of our community.  

Recently, we began a project to replace our everyday and High Holy Day Torah covers, which have become ripped and frayed over the years. The Design Committee chose to work with renowned Judaica artist Jeanette Kuvin Orin, who has designed ten new Torah covers for us. Between Selichot and Simchat Torah in the fall, and Passover and Shavuot in the spring, the High Holiday covers will be on our Torahs. On all other days, including Shabbat services, the other “everyday” covers will be used. We are also replacing the five wimpels (Torah belts) that are currently on our five Torahs.

Since the beginning of this project, we have been blessed to have received donations for  nine of the ten covers donated.Additionally, we  felt it was important for everyone in the congregation to have an opportunity to participate in a “community cover.”  All who wish to participate in sponsoring this community Torah cover will have their name listed on a dedication on the inside lining of the cover. There will also be a special section for students under the age of 21 to add their names by donating $18 to the project. All donations to this project will be used toward both replacing the covers and wimpels along with supporting ongoing needs in the Sanctuary through the Sanctuary Fund.

In order to ensure your name is printed properly on the inside of the Torah, all cover donations and names must be received by May 1, 2023.

The High Holy Day Torah Covers will be dedicated at our Selichot Service on Saturday night, September 9, 2023. The Shabbat Torah covers will be dedicated on Friday, October 13, 2023, at Shabbat services.

We are excited to partner with the congregation on this project and to debut the covers in the fall. Thank you for all the ways you continue to build a sacred, safe and meaningful Jewish home at Temple Shaari Emeth.

This form closed on 2023-05-08 00:00:00.


Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785