Our Hearts Break for the Victims of California's Wildfires
01/10/2025 02:51:21 PM
Date Added
Dear Friends:
There are no words to express my heartbreak watching the tragedy unfolding in LA due to the wildfires this week. Homes, houses of worship, and business have disappeared in a matter of days, and so many people are on alert waiting to see if they will need to evacuate. At one Synagogue, the Temple building survived the fire, but three clergy and hundreds of congregants have lost their houses. It is so hard to comprehend the loss and devastation. Many of us have friends or family around LA, and we worry for their health and safety. The magnitude of this tragedy is so hard to comprehend.
It is hard to know what to do in moments like this. Below are some resources we hope can help. You will find a prayer by Rabbi Naomi Levy. Though prayer can not bring homes from the ashes, it can lend us comfort and hope in moments of challenge. I have also included links to organizations that are collecting donations to help those who need assistance. Finally, if your heart is broken by the news of the week, come join us for services tonight because being together for Shabbat can certainly bring comfort and healing. Services are tonight, Friday, January 10, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. If you need any help or extra support, the clergy are always here for you. Just reach out
Wishing you a gentle Shabbat, Rabbi Melinda Panken
God, our Rock and our Comfort Hear our prayer. Our hearts break for all those Who have lost their homes in this deadly blaze. The victims are in shock. Life as they knew it, All their treasured possessions, Beloved heirlooms, Touchstones for so many cherished memories Were swept away in an instant. Their sense of place and home Their safety and stability have been shaken. Help us, God, to anchor them, To shelter, support and steady them with love. As the numbness wears off, The enormity of the loss sets in And the work before them begins. Be with them, God, Be their strength and their comfort, Shield them from despair, Let them know You are near. Fill them with the courage they will need to begin again. Bless the firefighters and first responders, God, And watch over them As they put their own lives at risk To protect our beloved city. Work through us, God, Transform our helplessness into action, Inspire us with the determination And the perseverance we will need To bring devastated neighborhoods back to life. Fill us all with the vision of the new days that lie ahead, A dream of our city restored. Let Jeremiah’s prophecy of hope enter every heart and soul: “The city shall be rebuilt upon its ruins!” So may it be, And let us say, Amen.