Temple Offerings (Donation Descriptions)
SENIOR RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Administered by the Senior Rabbi for the benefit of work on behalf of people and for projects of concern.
ASSISTANT RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Administered by the Assistant Rabbi for the benefit of work on behalf of people and for projects of concern.
CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Administered by the Cantor for the benefit of work on behalf of people and for projects of concern.
CARING COMMUNITY HELENA FUND: Provides funding to support congregants who may be experiencing difficult times.
COLLEGE AGE OUTREACH FUND: Provides funding for care packages and projects that keep our college students connected to TSE and Reform Judaism.
EARLY LEARNING CENTER FUND: Provides funding to support the endeavors of the Early Learning Center.
EDNA COLEMAN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Provides a financial contribution to students in grades 10-12 who are participating in an organized teen youth trip to Israel.
GLENN S. COHEN SPIRITUAL ENHANCEMENT FUND: Provides funding to support services and holiday programming with appropriate technology, prayerbooks and ritual items.
GLORIA RUSSIN RAC FUND: Provides funding for TSE Religious School students to attend the L’Taken Seminar of the Religious Action Center (RAC) of Reform Judaism in Washington, D.C.
HARVEY BLANK MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY FUND: Provides resources for improvements to the TSE technological infrastructure.
HERZOG MUSIC FUND: Provides financial assistance for the musical needs of the congregation and for the acquisition and repair of musical instruments.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT FUND: Provides funds to encourage and develop Jewish leaders through financial subsidies for attendance at leadership development programs and to support leadership development programs at TSE.
RABBI AARON D. PANKEN LIFELONG LEARNING FUND: Provides funds to develop Jewish educational programming for adults.
Provides funds for scholar-in-residence programming.
REFORM JUDAISM IN ISRAEL SUPPORT FUND: Provides funds to support Reform
Jewish projects and organizations in Israel.
RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND: Provides funds for the purchase of new equipment and enhancement of educational programs in the Religious School.
ROCK SHABBAT FUND: Provides funding for contemporary Jewish music services, performances and concerts.
ROSEN MEMORIAL YOUTH GROUP FUND: Provides financial support for programs and activities for our youth groups, including support for participation in URJ and NFTY youth programs.
STRENGTHENING ONE ANOTHER FUND: (minimum donation $54)
Provides funds for the operating budget to offset revenue losses from families affected by financial hardship.
TEMPLE IMPROVEMENT & BEAUTIFICATION FUND: Provides financial support for maintenance, construction and beautification projects for the building and grounds.
TIKKUN OLAM FUND: (minimum donation $18)
Provides funds for programming and activities that advance the mission of Tikkun Olam
(repairing the world) and to advance social justice.
TOBY AND SETH HANOVER YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Provides funds to help TSE children attend Jewish summer camps and Israel youth programs.
WILLNER/WEINSTEIN EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT FUND: Provides funds for non- budgeted Religious School projects that have been approved by the Director of Religious Education and the Religious School Committee.
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785