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Monthly Dues Calculation Form

This Monthly Dues Calculation form is meant to illustrate the regular monthly assessment for membership at Temple Shaari Emeth, for those families who do not qualify for a Young Family Membership (no children eligible third grade or above) or a Senior Membership.  All children that are Kindergarten age and above are included in membership, regardless of whether they are enrolled in Religious School.  There is an additional $150 Registration Fee per year for each child enrolled in Religious School.

With the exception of the $150 School Registration Fee, all other benefits of membership are included, including Religious School tuition for kindergarten through 12th grade, youth group membership, High Holy Days tickets, and lifecycle events. Sisterhood & Men's Club membership is included for the first year of Temple membership.  There is an $1,200 B'nai Mitzvah fee that is assessed one year before the ceremony (Fee includes lessons and sponsorship of Friday night Oneg, babysitting during service, and a contribution to the Open Door Food Pantry).

Put simply, our goal is to enter into a covenant with you. We hope that this tool makes the value of our covenant easy to understand.

The amounts calculated on this form are for informational purposes only.  Dues amounts cannot be finalized until an application for membership is completed.

The cost per adult is $1,428

The dues for each of the first two children eligible for K through 10th grade is $864 per year. The third child in that age group is $432.

The dues per child in this age group is $204 per year.

The total building fund obligation upon joining TSE is $2,500.  To ease the financial burden of this obligation it is billed in monthly installments over a period of up to five years.  The building fund balance, if any, is due upon resignation.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785